Studies of collaborative audio-visual cases on educational television as education’s methodologies in European space of higher education



Television, educational television, elaboration of materials, evaluation of media


The work that we presented is a part of one activity with students of third of Pedagogy studies of the Faculty of Sciences of the Education of the University of Seville. This consists in the accomplishment of three audio-visual studies of case related to the subject of Educative Technology. But concretely, three vídeos were produced in DVD with the thematic of the educative television, so commented today in day because to the great proliferation of programs sweepings that exists in our television. We have used the vídeo with the intention of which the students developed what we think that must be a competition of pedagogy: programmer of learning scenes. For this reason, they have created short recordings as a comic to illustrate what is correct to do with the television and what no, trying to teach to the people with television and in the television. Under defence of the reforms of the qualifications inside the European Space of High Education, are defined the competitions of the future pedagogue: to know how and to know are designed the educative resources, by means of the concept of study of cases and with all the steps that must follow to elaborate a didactic vídeo (the technical script, the literary one, the leaf of filming, the recording, the edition etc.) the students have demonstrated to be perfectly enabled when finalizing their works. This investigation has tried to demonstrate like the work with educative resources and educative materials, in concrete the vídeo, it favours the learning of the students, motivates them to work in group. Also we try to describe, no only the advantages, but also the problems or disadvantages that working entails following this dynamic of work, working with lack of knowledge and skills design, production, postproduction and evaluation of audiovisual resources. Also, we have show that as the acquired learning by the students through audiovisual studies of case, like their evaluations, is not an easy task, not has a unique answer. In this task, we think that a series of alternatives must come together to select by the professor in function of the objectives that persecutes the course and of the modality and type of learning in which we are practicing. Is peculiar as the students rise throughout the vídeos questions about the diverse behaviours that usually occur, for example, at home when the children want to see a certain program or a series, and the parents forbid it. Questions that parents and educators become all the days are: how the television must see the parents with their children?, what things can do and what must do with the television?, what things cannot do with the television?, the television is objective?, how can be solved to the lack or the absence of objectivity of the television?, why or so that is used the television in the classrooms?, what is the educative television?.



How to Cite

Román, P., Domene, S., & Fernández, J. M. (2005). Studies of collaborative audio-visual cases on educational television as education’s methodologies in European space of higher education. Comunicar, 13(25). Retrieved from



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