Cartoon movies at home: animation films and TV
Movies and television, sexism, cartoon, prejudicesAbstract
Movies are one of the objects of study for Social Psychology because they are not only art or industry; they are a way of socialization. Therefore, movies show behaviour models, social values and norms, and make people react: movies are persuasive. A psycho-social analysis of films is necessary because movies can sometimes display prejudiced negative contents, which could be both explicit or very subtle, and therefore quite dangerous. The authors analyse ten well-known Dis-ney films from the gender perspective: How are men and women shown? What roles do they impersonate? Specifying contents and valuing subtle prejudiced stereotypes will help families to watch them from a different point of view..
How to Cite
W?gli?ska, A., Loscertales, A., Siekierka, S., & Núñez, T. (2008). Cartoon movies at home: animation films and TV. Comunicar, 16(31). Retrieved from
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