Palabras clave
Discapacidad, TIC, telefonía móvil, Internet, televisión, recepción, discriminación, psicología
Las nuevas tecnologías han introducido profundos cambios en nuestro entorno y en los modos de relacionarnos con los demás. La televisión, el teléfono móvil e Internet han abierto nuevas posibilidades de comunicación, ocio y formación para muchas personas. Pero el acceso a las nuevas tecnologías para algunos individuos o grupos sociales puede hallarse condicionado por diferentes barreras. Uno de los grupos que habitualmente resultan «invisibles» en las investigaciones sobre comunicación y nuevas tecnologías es el de las personas con discapacidad intelectual (DI). En la presente investigación han participado 156 personas adultas con DI (trabajadores y usuarios de la Fundación Carmen Pardo-Valcarce en Madrid, España). Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio exploratorio con el fin de caracterizar en términos generales los patrones de uso de las nuevas tecnologías de comunicación (Internet y teléfonos móviles) de los participantes, así como sus patrones de consumo de televisión. Como conclusión puede señalarse que las pautas de comportamiento de las personas con DI en relación a las nuevas tecnologías de información y comunicación, en términos generales, se aproximan a las de la población general. Solo en aspectos puntuales podemos encontrar diferencias llamativas. En algunos casos, tales diferencias pueden atribuirse directamente a la DI. Pero también es necesario tener en cuenta un posible efecto estigma actuando en las personas que rodean al individuo con DI, que puede motivar comportamientos discriminatorios.
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Vistas: 41301
Lectura del abstract: 34231
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Métricas completas de Comunicar 36
Vistas: 858083
Lectura del abstract: 680500
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Citas en Web of Science
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Rodrigo, Covadonga; Tabuenca, Bernardo; . Learning ecologies in online students with disabilities Journal of Educational Computing Research, 2020.
Gomez-Puerta, Marcos; Chiner, Esther. Teachers' perceptions on online behaviour of students with intellectual disability, risk mediation and training EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION, 2019.
de Groot, Rogier; Kaal, Hendrien L.; Stol, Wouter Ph. Studying Problematic Online Behavior of Adolescents With Mild Intellectual Disabilities and Borderline Intellectual Functioning: Methodological and Ethical Considerations for Data Collection INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE METHODS, 2019.
Salmeron, Ladislao; Fajardo, Inmaculada; Gomez-Puerta, Marcos. Selection and evaluation of Internet information by adults with intellectual disabilities EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION, 2019.
Seale, Jane. Wilderness and resistance: illuminating the digital inequalities experienced by adults with learning disabilities between 1970 and 1999 DISABILITY & SOCIETY, 2019.
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Sheehan, Rory; Hassiotis, Angela. Digital mental health and intellectual disabilities: state of the evidence and future directions EVIDENCE-BASED MENTAL HEALTH, 2017.
Chiner, Esther; Gomez-Puerta, Marcos; Cristina Cardona-Molto, Maria. Internet use, risks and online behaviour: The view of internet users with intellectual disabilities and their caregivers BRITISH JOURNAL OF LEARNING DISABILITIES, 2017.
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Chadwick, Darren; Wesson, Caroline; Fullwood, Chris. Internet Access by People with Intellectual Disabilities: Inequalities and Opportunities FUTURE INTERNET, 2013.
Chiner, Esther; Gomez-Puerta, Marcos; Villegas, Esther;. Education and social work students' perceptions of Internet use by people with and without intellectual disability INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES , 2020.
Citas en Scopus
Stendal, K., Balandin, S.. Virtual worlds for people with autism spectrum disorder: A case study in Second Life), Disability and Rehabilitation, .
Chadwick, D., Wesson, C.. Digital inclusion, disability), Applied Cyberpsychology: Practical Applications of Cyberpsychological Theory and Research, .
Hsu, G.-L., Tang, J.-C., Hwang, W.-Y., Li, Y.-C., Hung, J.-C., Wei, C.-H.. Modifications of the one-more-than technique: A comparison of two strategies for teaching purchasing skills to students with intellectual disability in Taiwan), Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, .
Waight, M., Oldreive, W.. Accessible websites - what is out there?), British Journal of Learning Disabilities, .
Darragh, J., Reynolds, L., Ellison, C., Bellon, M.. Let’s talk about sex: How people with intellectual disability in Australia engage with online social media, intimate relationships), Cyberpsychology, .
Baños-García, M.E., Lezcano-Barbero, F., García-Maté, E., Casado-Muñoz, R.. Computer-based applications aimed at youth, adults with intellectual disability for the development of support areas [APLICACIONES INFORMÁTICAS DIRIGIDAS A JÓVENES Y ADULTOS CON DISCAPACIDAD INTELECTUAL PARA EL DESARROLLO DE LAS ÁREAS DE APOYO]), Siglo Cero, .
Sheehan, R., Hassiotis, A.. Digital mental health, intellectual disabilities: State of the evidence, future directions), Evidence-Based Mental Health, .
Kline, J., Flynn, E., Keogh, S.. Active Citizenship in using accessible technology: The experiences of three generations), Understanding the Lived Experiences of Persons with Disabilities in Nine Countries: Active Citizenship, Disability in Europe, .
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Esther Baños-García, M., Lezcano-Barbero, F., Casado-Muñoz, R.. Evaluation of multimedia applications aimed to support the participation of youth with intellectual disability), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, .
Gómez-Puerta, M., Chiner, E.. Teachers’ perceptions on online behaviour of students with intellectual disability, risk mediation, training), European Journal of Special Needs Education, .
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Jun, D., Lee, J., Kim, D.. The effects of smart devices use ability, usages on life satisfaction: Comparison of people with, without disabilities), Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical, Control Systems, .
Salmerón, L., Fajardo, I., Gómez-Puerta, M.. Selection, evaluation of Internet information by adults with intellectual disabilities), European Journal of Special Needs Education, .
Seale, J.. Wilderness, resistance: illuminating the digital inequalities experienced by adults with learning disabilities between 1970, 1999), Disability and Society, .
Rodrigo, C., Tabuenca, B. . Learning ecologies in online students with disabilities), Comunicar, .
Frielink, N., Oudshoorn, C.E.M., Embregts, P.J.C.M. . eHealth in support for daily functioning of people with intellectual disability: Views of service users, relatives, and professionals on both its advantages and disadvantages and its facilitating and impeding factors), Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, .
Igual, R., Plaza, I., Medrano, C., Rubio, M.A.. Personalizable smartphone-based system adapted to assist dependent people), Journal of Ambient Intelligence, Smart Environments, .
Chiner, E., Gómez-Puerta, M., Cardona-Moltó, M.C.. Internet use, risks, online behaviour: The view of internet users with intellectual disabilities, their caregivers), British Journal of Learning Disabilities, .
Chiner, E., Gómez-Puerta, M., Villegas, E. . Education and social work students’ perceptions of Internet use by people with and without intellectual disability), International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, .
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Gutiérrez-Recacha, P., & Martorell-Cafranga, A. (2011). People with intellectual disability and ICTs. [Las personas con discapacidad intelectual ante las TIC]. Comunicar, 36, 173-180.