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引述 Web of Science



Erstad, Ola; Mino, Raquel; Rivera-Vargas, Pablo;. Educational practices to transform and connect schools and communities COMUNICAR , 2021.


Chung, Sheng Kuan; Li, Dan; . Issues-Based STEAM Education: A Case Study in a Hong Kong Secondary School INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND THE ARTS, 0.


Gonzalez-Ceballos, I; Palma, M; (...); Esteban-Guitart, M. Meaningful Learning Experiences in Everyday Life During Pandemics. A Qualitative Study FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY , 0.


Runchina, C; Sanchez-Caballe, A and Gonzalez-Martinez, J. New media literacies for transmedia learning. How students are regarding their transliteracy in Italian licei classici COGENT EDUCATION, 2022.


Runchina, C; Fauth, F and Gonzalez-Martinez, J. Adolescents Facing Transmedia Learning: Reflections on What They Can Do, What They Think and What They Feel BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 2022.


Dabbagh, N; Attwell, G and Castaneda, L. Personal Learning Environments Track introduction TEEM'21: NINTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGICAL ECOSYSTEMS FOR ENHANCING MULTICULTURALITY, 2021.


Estebanell-Minguell, M; Gonzalez-Martinez, J; (...); Serrat-Sellabona, E. Media profiles and transmedia learning in university students INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEARNING TECHNOLOGY, 2021.

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Vega, RC. Learning style corner method: REAPSES JOURNAL OF LEARNING STYLES, 2020.

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Runchina, C; Fauth, F; (...); Gonzalez-Martinez, J. New Media Literacies and Transmedia Learning horizontal ellipsis Do We Really Have the Conditions to Make the Leap? An Analysis from the Context of Two Italian licei classici SOCIAL SCIENCES-BASEL, 2022.


引述 Scopus

Catedrático, O.E., Miño., D.R., Rivera-Vargas., P. . Prácticas educativas para transformar y conectar escuelas y comunidades: Educational practices to transform and connect schools and communities), Comunicar, .


Chung, S.K., Li, D. . Issues-based steam education: A case study in a Hong Kong secondary school), International Journal of Education and the Arts, .


González-Ceballos, I., Palma, M., Serra, J.M., Esteban-Guitart, M. . Meaningful Learning Experiences in Everyday Life During Pandemics. A Qualitative Study), Frontiers in Psychology, .


Runchina, C., Fauth, F., González-Martínez, J.. Adolescents Facing Transmedia Learning: Reflections on What They Can Do, What They Think and What They Feel), Behavioral Sciences, .


Runchina, C., Fauth, F., Sánchez-Caballé, A., González-Martínez, J.. New Media Literacies and Transmedia Learning … Do We Really Have the Conditions to Make the Leap? An Analysis from the Context of Two Italian licei classici), Social Sciences, .


Runchina, C., Sánchez-Caballé, A., González-Martínez, J.. New media literacies for transmedia learning. How students are regarding their transliteracy in Italian licei classici), Cogent Education, .


Dabbagh, N., Attwell, G., Castañeda, L.. Personal Learning Environments Track introduction), ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, .


Estebanell-Minguell, M., González-Martínez, J., Esteban-Guitart, M., Serrat-Sellabona, E.. Media profiles and transmedia learning in university students), International Journal of Learning Technology, .


Erstad, O., Silseth, K.. Transformations and unresolved tensions: Children, school, and technology), Nordic Childhoods in the Digital Age: Insights into Contemporary Research on Communication, Learning and Education, .


引述 Google Scholar

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Khoo, E. G., & Cowie, B. (2021). Unlocking curious minds evaluation report: Developing a STEM mobile makerspace and maker educator learning resources.


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Bender, S., & Peppler, K. (2019). Connected learning ecologies as an emerging opportunity through Cosplay. [Los entornos de aprendizaje conectado como oportunidad emergente mediante el Cosplay]. Comunicar, 58, 31-40. https://doi.org/10.3916/C58-2019-03



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