
MOOC, MOOC learning, self-assessment, interpretative structure, lifelong learning, cognitive learning


Although scholars have proposed many types of self-assessment methods. There are still many teachers in China who consider that student self-assessment is “difficult to implement”. This paper aims to optimize the assessment of MOOC learning, and to establish an integrated student self-assessment paradigm with “student-centered, teacher, and peer auxiliary”. We started by selecting nine key factors that influence the implementation of self-assessment in MOOCs. Then, we clarified the relationship between the nine factors by using the interpretative structure model (ISM) and the MICMAC analysis, and a six-level paradigm of integrated student self-assessment was established. Moreover, we put forward the following suggestions to optimize student self-assessment in MOOC learning. First, it’s necessary to consider student self-assessment in MOOCs as a formative assessment method. Second, universities should enhance student awareness of self-assessment through publicity. Third, institutions of higher education could set up assessment courses to enhance the quality of assessment of students. Fourth, schools should optimize the environment of student self-assessment with the help of technology. This study is of great significance for students to make self-assessment become the basis of online learning and thus perfect the research on MOOC learning.

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Received: 01-09-2022

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Creación y Validación de un instrumento de Coevaluación como estrategia Evaluativa dentro del Proceso de Enseñanza–Aprendizaje EJC Reyes - Ciencia Latina Revista Científica Multidisciplinar, 2023 -


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How to cite

Duan, T., & Wu, B. (2023). The student self-assessment paradigm in MOOC: An example in Chinese higher education. [Paradigma de autoevaluación de estudiantes en MOOC: El caso de la educación superior en China]. Comunicar, 75, 115-128.



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