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- Volume 16 (2008)
- Comunicar Journal 32: Mapping Media Education. Policies in the world
- Comunicar Journal 31: To teach the look. Some proposals to teach watching TV
- Multi-screen society: a challenge for media literacy
- Transverse readings: how to build critical audiences
- The process of TV reception as contextual interaction
- Towards a democratic education of the look
- TV as an instrument of moral education for democratic citizenship
- Backstage of TV for children: criteria underlying programming construction
- Children programmes and sensationalist TV: entertaining, misinforming, miseducating
- The right to the screen: from media education to educommunication in Brazil
- Television and young people in Spain
- The critical education of young people about TV: countries in northern and central Europe
- Reality construction by Spanish infancy across TV consumption
- Adolescents’ television viewing habits and its relation with values
- Co-educating the gaze against gender stereotypes in TV
- Watching TV with family
- Community dimension of media literacy
- Watching movies at home: an overview to family socialization
- How to educate the gaze and manufacture the news: the citizen in the BBC broadcast information
- «Infant television newscast»: learning resource in TV
- Pass in language, maths... and TV
- Watching TV with visual impaired children
- ‘Communicative Frenzy’ as disinformation
- Education is in the hands of four actors: parents, teachers, children and TV
- The TV: an educational tool in the context of the family
- The impact of the screen codes
- Teaching to watch family from the school and the family
- A descriptive study of TV consumption in children in Primary and High schools
- TV is not Mary Poppins
- TV: responsibility in socialization
- TV and elderly people: educating or mis-educating?
- The family and the children’s consumption of television: orientations and proposals
- Learning identity: what kind of children do children perceive when they watch TV?
- Commercialized childhood
- TV and children in Italy: experiences on teaching television
- Television literacy at the «kindergarden»
- Child-school-TV and their relationship in the readings of the world
- TV in the daily life of children: the case of Santiago de Chile
- Social and educational features in children´s TV programming: «La Banda» at the Radio and Television of Andalucía
- TV, contents and childhood: keys to teach TV watching
- «Cuatro»: the new strategy of television trademark to connect with young people
- Information on TV: youngsters should also be taken into account
- TV and family: working together for the education?
- Readings of TV from teenagers storyboards
- Are there social stereotypes in teenagers´ viewing habits?
- What values do adolescents perceive in their favourite TV programmes?
- Anything goes? Towards an ethical look in the mass media
- Teaching to watch TV as part of «Education for the Citizenship»
- The use of women as sex objects in advertising
- Values education in childhood TV programmes
- TV and education in values
- Educative TV or TV-sitter?: attitudes towards the current TV
- Who sees what? Contributions for an open debate about television in the context of media literacy
- Intelligent audiences: a possible challenge
- Learn to observe: «The Boarding School», a proposal for developing critical thinking
- Viewing comprehension: an educational experience interpreting television sports from Brazil
- Media education in the digital age
- The use of digital video in class: a pedagogical proposition
- Educating our ways of viewing through the dialogue
- Audiovisual education to promote multiple competences
- TV is our business
- Chalk, camera, action: an experiment in reading and production of the image for teachers´ training
- Television of proximity and audiovisual literacy
- Why teaching to watch TV?
- Learning to watch TV: from virtual to specialization in the creative use of TV
- Education on TV in France
- Teaching sport with TV
- Educating the sight and the audiovisual writing
- Mass media educative value: social correlations
- Teaching how to watch TV, an outstanding subject
- School and TV: love and mistrust in a liquid environment
- Media education in the Spanish legislation
- Image as a daily learning opportunity
- Another audio-visual education
- Psychopedagogic orientation for learning and teaching to watch TV
- Relations between school and TV: making visible the invisible
- Portuguese RTP2 and the promotion of media education
- Educational TV and teachers: an impossible relationship?
- TV and reality: a proposal for teachers´ training
- Methodological proposal to educate in mediations
- Image Pedagogy: TV advertisement critical reading
- Formation of the critical consciousness regarding mass media in Uruguay
- Teaching to watch television with a critical spirit
- Television consumption and profiles of the hearings: a customized way to watch TV
- The consumption of television: a big show
- Teaching to watch TV is our business
- The TV viewers associations facing the audiovisual communication challenge
- The «TV baby sitter» phenomenon as a modern cathodic «Super-nanny»
- TV and strategies to promote consumption among young girls
- The reception of soap operas and the genre perspective
- University television and public service
- Spain: bottom of the league regarding quality TV
- Education in mobility
- The deceitful sight: audiovisual dictatorship and democratic counterpower
- Public service models in European TV: a comparative analysis of TVE and BBC
- TV online: different ways to watch and interpret
- Screens’ societies: potentialities and limits for media education
- Creative analysis of publicity in virtual environments
- Hypermedia project: TV magnifying glass
- Aesthetic education in television animation
- Cartoon movies at home: animation films and TV
- Informative programmes related to the mystery journalism: rubbish TV or informative rigour?